Imagine no cars, no roads  


Time is passing and cars have multiplied just like people ‘till all of a sudden more people are thinking like Aura, and I see a new real estate trail opening up: no cars. Though there are gonna’ be trails at least, if not roads. But here it is almost 2020 and Tempe that’s just a part of the big Phoenix spread Aura avoids is getting some press by starting up a residential development that says yes to people but no to cars. Yes to trails, though, to accommodate bicycles and the near realization of Aura’s picture of a world sharing transportation with the advent of these electric bikes you just stick your charge card in and then leave at your destination so you or somebody else can hop on and go wherever.

Carless towns have been around awhile, I guess, just not on my all-American radar till now. Our scribe has fond memories of living in Bisbee where everything is so jammed together people like retirees can get by most of the time with no real need for transportation to live daily life. I've added a couple links about Tempe, though, and how apparently they're not the first to come up with their idea.

Tempe goes carless

Overseas examples inspiring Tempe